So we have a writing group, and now I don't know what we're supposed to do.
A friend I was talking with mentioned the idea of a Frankenstein writing group. Let me explain - Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and fancy pants Lord Byron were all vacationing at Byron's villa one summer when they decided each one of them would try their hand at writing a horror story. They bounced ideas off each other, wrote on their own etc., and Mary Shelley ended up writing Frankenstein out of it.
Anyway, I know I don't want to write anything on a Frankenstein caliber, but what do you guys think of having a writing theme or idea we can work with for the month? We can each start writing a story, for example, with a specific theme like travelling, or from a certain genre like young adult adventure (is that a genre?).
Whadday'all think?
I think that sounds good to me, if we keep it general people can do either fiction or non-fiction as well. And if you have something you wanna write but totally aren't into the theme just write and post. If the blog stays active it'll be more fun for everyone